The Love of a Lycan



And that was the time when Jedrek turned around and shifted. He transformed into this majestic beautiful white beast. His transition was smooth and graceful. Lilac just stood there and trapped in her own fascination over the white beast. Leading to unconsciously let her guard down for that brief moment of awe and amazement.

The white beast stood mighty in his legs. Despite the tension of the situation in the room, and his reason for transforming into his beast form, surprisingly there was no growl, nor snarl coming from him. He didn\'t need to do all that. The truth is, his presence alone was dominating everyone\'s attention in the room. His being was truly and undoubtedly the emphasis of his alpha energy.

He was definitely the King.

Realizing herself for being off-guard, she groaned softly. She was rather annoyed of herself. How could she not? She just couldn\'t believe it, that for a brief moment, she was this silly young girl who was charmed by the gorgeous creature in front of her. Then, she saved herself from her own annoyance by quickly pulling herself together.

Although, she must admit that he was indeed gorgeous.

Lilac watched him in an unconcealed bewilderment. Making it obvious for everyone to see that this was her first encounter with a white lycan in his beast form. Then again, she couldn\'t help herself but to admire his beautiful white fur. They looked strangely soft that she wanted to just jump and drown herself in its softness.

And it made her wonder how it would feel to touch this beast\'s fur.

However, it was not only her who felt the attraction. The amount of the intense feeling was also present in Jedrek\'s inner being. But he felt it far beyond that.

He realized that it was a huge mistake for letting the beast in him have his way. No, part of him wanted the same thing too, either his human side and the beast side. They both wanted to claim what belonged to them. The girl before him was his right as a proud lycan.

The King wanted to claim his Queen. Ignoring the mate-bond felt like he was battling the gravity. It was hard to ignore the strong, overpowering pull, and it was too heavy to endure. It was almost impossible to shake off the feeling. He couldn\'t take his eyes off of this young maiden before his eyes. There was something behind this girl\'s dark, defiant eyes that was holding the Lycan King captive, and refused to let go.

The King caught himself relished in her enchantment.

After a long while that felt like forever, and the effort that felt like a battle, the white lycan finally looked away. Taking his eyes off of her. He freed himself from trapping inside the endless adoration limbo towards the girl. And he charged forward in new determination.

Suddenly Lilac snapped out of her daydream. It felt like a slap of reality when the bloodl.u.s.t emerged in the beast\'s eyes. She clenched her teeth, and balled her fists for the inevitable attack that was about to happen when she watched how the lycan ran towards her.

The spell was broken.

And here they were, becoming each other\'s enemies in their first encounter.

Her adrenaline kicked in when suddenly vines and roots moved faster than ever, intertwined with each other, creating a much bigger and stronger thing. It became a lethal weapon that was trying to take down the King and stabbing him viciously, as more roots emerged from the ground. But the beast either dodged them easily or tore his way through it.

That was impossible!

Lilac\'s heart was pounding inside her chest, just like a bird who was aggressively trying to get free from its cage. She could feel her blood flushed up and down her body when fear crept in.

She couldn\'t stop him.

Lilac couldn\'t even slow him down!

Like a predator he was, the beast lurched towards her to attack. But she bent down for cover, and at the same time, her vines walloped the beast\'s right side, forcing him to miss his target, which was the girl\'s head.

Lilac saw it was her only chance to get away from the beast. And she knew that striking the beast like that was not helping the situation any better, but at least she was saved from a brief, close threat. Then, as she moved, she could hear the menacing growl from the beast. He sounded furious after missing his target. The sound of his growl sent chills down her spine.

Who wouldn\'t sound like that, after a random girl from a totally different realm came to his castle, and had the audacity to ruin his castle with her magic roots and vines? On top of that, which creature in the right mind, wouldn\'t turn lethal after being taunt in front of his underlings in his own castle? Oh yeah, and this creature was a Lycan King with an alpha blood running in his veins.

Whatever had happened, it already happened. She realized how wrong strategy was, and she regretted it. But, she was not sorry either. Her regret wouldn\'t save her life. And besides, she had no other choice, had she?

Lilac didn\'t expect the white beast to be this tough and Jedrek would actually want to tear her apart. Wasn\'t he supposed to be bound by the mate-bond? Wasn\'t the mate-bond supposed to prevent him from harming her? How could he overcome such a strong bond?

He was literally a beast!

Lilac hissed under her breath when she barely dodged his attack once more. The beast\'s sharp claws were inches away above her head. It was so close that she thought it was a pure dumb luck when she managed to escape his attack.

"Damn!" Lilac cursed when her kneecap was stabbed by a sharp edge of the ruin. It was the price she had to pay for avoiding her attacker. Although it was better than death, she still could feel pain from it. It was bleeding, yet she realized that it was not the right time to whine.

Lilac barricaded herself with the growing roots. She glued her eyes on that beast\'s every move. He circled her, prowling like the predator he was.

At that point, she also realized that, despite being surrounded by the guards and the six lycans she fought earlier, none of them moved from their place. None of them seemed to have the supposed intention of helping their king in his hunt, his battle against her.

She glanced at her surroundings, considering her options she had in hand. And the best choice she had was to get out from this great hall. Then, she executed her strategy accordingly. While directing her vines to attack the beast, Lilac dashed towards a big hole that she created during her fight with the guards.

She never thought she would experience a long run like that when she finally reached the hole. And that was how she escaped from that place. Although the beast was still on his heels.

Once she was out, Lilac closed the hole with thick roots and vines, blocking the beast\'s way to get to her. She knew it wouldn\'t take the angry beast long before he could tear the obstacles that she made apart. But, it was the only attempt she could come up with in order to slow him down.

The blazing sun was hot on her skin, and the dry wind whirled her cloak and hair when she ran towards a garden nearby. She had seen this garden on her way into the great hall. She just had to cross this garden in order to reach the entrance gate.

As for what she would do next, she would figure it out later. Then, she could hear another roar from the Alpha King. He was clearly fueled with so much anger to sound like that. She wasn\'t sure if Jedrek would be lenient after what she had said. His pride wouldn\'t let her live.

So, in the end, I would die in his hand? No way!—she thought. But she shook her head to get rid of her thoughts. Then, eventually, Lilac stopped running. She couldn\'t help but to stop, she was losing her breath. However, fear gripped her heart when her precious air was knocked out of her for a few, long, fearful seconds.

Lilac quickly reached to her ankle and drew her silver dagger before her back hit the ground, with the powerful beast pinned her down. Out of instinct, she stabbed her silver dagger right through the beast\'s shoulder. He couldn\'t help but to let out a deafening roar.

Upon closer look, Lilac was surprised by how huge the beast was. With every pound of his weight alone, he was more than capable of crushing her and sending her to death instantly.

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