The Legacy System

Chapter 426 - 426: The Madam’s Sudden Fire

At first, she thought that it was due to the food being so good that she still could feel its warmth inside her body.

After all, the heat wasn\'t especially strong, especially for her body as a cultivator of martial arts.

But slowly she started to notice that there was a different strange desire inside her body, a feeling that she had forgotten for quite some time now.

It was a feeling that seemed to fill some kind of empty abyss created after years of neglect and ignoring from her husband.

Not only that, but she also felt some grave itch in between her thighs, or to be more exact right at her secret garden.

She had forgotten about this kind of feeling until now, and she didn\'t understand why it was happening.

On the side, Lan\'er seemed to be perfectly fine, in fact, she seemed a bit too fine as there was no rosiness on her face, and neither any signs of hurried breathing.

As a matter of fact, she looked nowhere close to experiencing the same fire as her Madam, she looked extremely sad that all the enchanting good food had been finished by her Madam.

This made Li YunMu feel even more complicated because this clearly showed that there was nothing wrong with the food and that this reaction belonged to her herself.

Who hadn\'t heard that love passes through the stomach first, but she wasn\'t in love with the young Chef, she was in love with his food?

This was probably the first time she was eating such food, and even more so experiencing such a situation. It was just unthinkable for her.

At that moment she was remembered of another important point, as she wasn\'t only with Lan\'er inside the room, there was also the person responsible for her conditions, the young Chef Eric.

Without losing any second more, she raised her head towards him, only to see him look towards her with a proud but complicated look.

He was certainly happy that she had eaten his food like that, and had enjoyed it so much, but at the same time, he seemed to feel a bit complicated by the results.

Surely his food shouldn\'t have turned the Madam on, and caused her such a reaction right? That realization made Li YunMu feel extremely embarrassed in front of him.

Understanding the plight of his Madam, young Chef Chen Gu quickly bowed down and ask for permission to leave,

"Madam I am sorry to have acted without your instructions but my intentions were pure, I just hope that you don\'t take offense by my actions!"

As soon as he said that he left the room like he was running from the claws of a dangerous starving wolf, making the poor Madam feel even more embarrassed, but at the same time disappointed.

Was she that bad looking and dangerous for him to run away like that? Could it be that the young Chef found her that disgusting that he run away like that?

Not that she would have done something to him, as she still respected her husband, but still he didn\'t have to run away like that, had he?

On the other hand, Lan\'er was a bit surprised by Eric\'s sudden leave and didn\'t know what to do anymore, as she could only look towards her Madam and hope that she didn\'t ask for more food.

After all, Eric had already promised her that there was still food left in the kitchen, and she would be able to enjoy herself.

But if her Madam asked for more there was no way that she could tell her that she was hoping that the remaining was left to her, could she?

Meanwhile, the Madam thought that Lan\'er had understood her embarrassing conditions, and also the reason why Eric run away, so she couldn\'t help but say,

"Lan\'er, not even a word of what happened here should be heard outside, or I will make sure to not only fire you but also live a life of misery. Am I clear!?"

"Ye-Yes Madam!"

What Madam Li YunMu didn\'t understand though was the fact that Lan\'er had no idea about what the Madam thought, and her idea of the sudden warning was completely off.

Lan\'er thought that her Madam was talking about her unladylike way of eating the food prepared from the young Chef Chen, and not due to her embarrassment of getting turned on in his sight.

"Very well, then you can take the tray and leave!"

Hearing those words, Lan\'er felt like she had just taken her Heavenly call, and she quickly bowed slightly, acknowledged her instructions, and run away as fast as a rabbit.

Her escape was so swift and quick that the Madam thought that she was trying to run away after witnessing what happened, as the worries inside the Madam\'s heart started to multiply.

Still, she had enough confidence to deal with everything that came her way, so she wasn\'t that bothered by that.

What truly bothered her was the turmoil inside her heart, as she didn\'t know how to act, or what to do at that moment.

The heat inside her body was slowly running towards her secret garden, as the missing wetness of that special spot was returning in full glory.

Unable to understand what she was doing, or why, one of her hands slowly made her way towards the end of her dress, pulled it up, and then slowly headed towards her secret garden.

Before she regained notice of her actions, her right hand had entered down her silk panties and was slowly massaging the surroundings of her secret entrance, and then slowly proceeding towards it.

The love juice leaking out of her secret entrance increased in quantity, as even the smell inside her room grew stronger.

If Eric and Lan\'er were still inside the room, there was no way either of them wouldn\'t have understood what had happened in there.

Thinking about the two of them once again, shame and clarity hit the beauty\'s head, as she quickly retrieved her hands back in shame, as she felt extremely complex and weird.

She didn\'t know what to think or do with herself anymore. She didn\'t know what to think of herself or her situation anymore.

She had thought that she had thrown away all such thoughts the moment that she decided to concentrate on her son, and even more so when her son was in such a difficult condition.

But who would have thought that she would experience something like this at such a moment, she would have never even imagined it.

Thinking about it, she couldn\'t help but remember with nostalgia those times that she had passed with her husband, the father of her child, Gao Jixie.

Then he had been truly enchanted and obsessed with her body, as they would actually \'play\' together like rabbits.

Yet right now she was left stranded and alone. He hadn\'t touched her body for quite a few years now, as he was obsessed with his mistresses, leaving her empty.

Even then she had never thought badly of him, or even reproach him about it, she had thought that she had surpassed the needs and desires of her body.

If it wasn\'t for what was happening right now, she would have never even thought about these things. But now it had become a reality, she couldn\'t ignore it anymore.

Even though she had retrieved her hands, she still could feel the fire burning inside her body going in full throttle.

Unable to control her thoughts, and desires anymore, she stood up from her bed and entered the bathroom to take a cold shower.

The running cold water certainly helped in dropping her body temperature a bit, but every time she touched her body she felt an electric current running through her body.

Her whole body, her whole being seemed to be crying for the opposite gender\'s touch and attention.

Unable to control her thoughts and desires anymore, she decided to reach one climax herself in order to cool herself off.

But the moment she did that Young Chef Chen Gu\'s and Lan\'er\'s faces crossed through her eyes and she wasn\'t able to concentrate as she had to.

It was impossible like that!

With those thoughts in her mind, she got up and got dressed in an enchanting dress that she had forgotten inside her closet, and slowly made her way towards her husband\'s office.

She knew it was weird, it felt even weirder than it looked actually, but still, she willed herself to walk further, as that seemed like the only possible way to escape her sudden explosion of heat.

It was late already, around 11 o\'clock in the evening so her husband should be home by now, so she immediately walked towards his office.

She tried her best to avoid the servants or the housemaids on her way, as she didn\'t want them to find out about the state she was in.

She felt like the moment that they saw her in the eyes, face, or even smelled around her, they would be able to find out about her, and that was just too embarrassing for the current her.

Even though she was an experienced woman that would scare all of them with just one look and would stand strong even in front of her husband, she still was embarrassed by showing this side of hers, at this time.

With a lot of difficulties and excitement for running out of the servants\' eyes, she finally reached the office of her husband.

At that moment a sudden hesitation and worry hit her heart, but the fire burning inside broke through that, and she decided to do it.

With newfound courage and determination, she reached the doorknob…

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