Dragon Lord: Erotic MMO

Chapter 81 81: The Various Fates

Zell\'s eyes glanced over her breasts, the shimmering crystal almost dancing with delight as he allowed Rika to begin stroking his fingers, playing with them as if they were delicate treasures, before a moment later, an ornate ring with floral patterns and a single crimson gem inlaid at the centre, that seemed to glitter along with his heartbeat, she slid it slowly onto his left ring finger, down to the base with ease.

\'Hehe, now I can brag to those other bitches; this male is mine! His body stinks of my scent, hehe~ Nora is going to be so jealous!\'

Rika jumped into his arms as he grinned happily with relief after he accepted without any rejection; one hand played idly along her furry flank as his fingers traced soft curves over her adorable figure.

Once the pair wore both pairs of the set, it felt as if they were connected on some strange level; although not crystal clear, Rika could feel his presence and his current emotions; her eyes narrowed like a pair of crescent moons from his current mix of deep affection and lust, she nuzzled against his chest her nose squashed against his muscular pads as she snorted his thick scent.

Her eyes softened again as her inner body buzzed with pleasure from their shared bond, as Rika tightened her grip on him with pride. "Haaah... You smell nice and salty like you belong here," she whispered and giggled shyly into his neck.

The sound of flesh being slapped filled the round with a loud reverberation; her ass wobbled as his hand grasped onto it with a rough claw, "No way, you are the one that belongs to me, little white rabbit; make sure you don\'t forget that!" Zell\'s husky voice sounded as he kissed her lips softly.

"Uhuhu~ But you aren\'t planning on leaving me anytime soon, right?" She said with a coy grin that brought a sharp growling chuckle from him, "You keep teasing me with your mouth like this." Zell replied before adding another light smack into the centre of her toned behind, causing Rika\'s backside to clap as it echoed off the bedroom walls.

"Don\'t play games with your cocky Master, or else I\'ll call you out for disrespect, silly rabbit", Zell groaned into her ear as she squealed in response, the momentary reprieve from having his hand gone before Rika turned and giggled wickedly as she kissed at him intensely, tongue lapping at his own until both parted and nodded solemnly at the statement they exchanged silently together.

"Now get up, darling bunny. The sun won\'t wait forever. We have many things to do." Zell said with a stern but severe voice. She didn\'t answer him and only moaned, before pushing against him and biting into his chest, before he slapped her ass again, the sense of pain and pleasure caused a seductive moan to leave her lips.

Zell didn\'t care about this girl\'s wilful nature, before his hands grasped her tiny camisole and softly placed it over her head, kissing her soft, glossy lips at each attempt possible, making this take several minutes.

"Get dressed!"

However, Rika never complained. His affection only increased her inner desire to have him dominate her while standing on the top; no one but her beloved deserved to be at the top!

\'I must become stronger to protect myself from other men, for my beloved protection and because I will be the strongest woman in his harem!\'

After thirty minutes, the pair finally left his room, only for the blushing Tessa to remain seated, her legs weak and fingers tired. \'I didn\'t know I was such a pervert; what an embarrassment!\'

She thought before stumbling towards the door with her tired and heavy legs, which felt like jelly; after several minutes, she finally reached the second floor unseen and tossed her weary, satiated body into her bed.

- (Anya POV)

Anya tried to get her mother off the game; however, since she told her some information, she ignored the slutty nature of the race given to her; she missed Zell and wanted to rush to his place and play together. Almost feeling it was an eternity since they saw each other.

\'I wonder what he\'s doing right now? Hehe, that rabbit probably got pounded last night, right? Rika is such a cute girl, although it feels a little sad not having him to myself; that girl seems important to darling. She told me she wanted to take their relationship further and asked my permission; so adorable!\'

"Mom, hurry your fat ass up! He doesn\'t care what you look like! Why wear makeup? You\'re so old anyway!"

Suddenly, the temperature grew cold; Anya almost felt like she heard a distant boss theme playing in the depths of her home.

"Old, you say?" A drawn-out voice sounded as it moved closer with heavy steps.

The woman felt like the force of a mountain had crushed her, unable to even move without hearing something moving about nearby, like the creaking of aged timber settling onto a shelf; no, it wasn\'t anything natural -it was worse.

But there is someone behind me, isn\'t that why the lights in my house aren\'t working...?

Instantly the silence was shattered by a horrific cry as her world went black, much darker than expected.

Her mother\'s massive tits smothered Anya before she was slammed into the ground with a german suplex; the thud caused the entire apartment to shudder,

"Argh!" Anya cried out before her mother\'s tight abs tensed, pulling her naughty little daughter up again before repeating another german suplex, letting go of her as she rolled across the room half dead and twitching.

"Huh?" Her mind attempted to process through all the strangeness around her and the reality of how dangerous her situation was when her mother walked over, a thick braid dragging down to a cruel-looking knife hidden between her lower ribs.

\'Fufu, a stupid old woman cannot read my mind! Hahahaha-" Thunk!

"Now then, darling, what is your mother? Young, pretty and fabulous, right?" Cryska insisted, her knife poking the chubby little dwarf\'s fleshy tits that seemed to be growing plumper each day.

\'What does this girl eat to have such huge breasts!? Why are mine being defeated more each day? If only my game form were real... Those perfect curves, Zell would cream his pants just from my fingers stroking along his chest!\'

"Oh yes, mother... Yes, mommy-" The brunette made to respond almost by instinct, those words which soothed her scary mother, "Mommy, sorry Anya was wrong... Anya was wrong! Mommy is the most beautiful!"

Instantly, Cryska vanished like her fearsome face and fierce eyes never existed as she now began to use that knife to prepare a quick breakfast; humming like some ninja, Anya began to worry she had some fever dream, but the slight cut under her right breast showed that her mother did almost stab her to death.

A stray knife slammed into the floor beside her, only a few centimetres from her eye, which caused her to shudder, \'old women are scary!\'

Anya scurried to her feet and dashed into her room, sniffing herself before deciding she needed to shower before they visited Zell, if he smelt her like this she might die of shame!

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