The Number One Star in the Interstellar Era [BL]


"EVERYONE\'S here, I take it?" Wulfric asked as he looked at the brats standing in front of him. 

They were lined up, acting as if they were soldiers.  Why acting you say?  Because their lines were disorganized.  Most weren\'t even standing with the right posture.  He glanced at two students who were standing side by side at the front – Reas and Ash.  Hmp.  At least these two brats were doing better than others.

"No, your highness, there\'s still at least 10 students who aren\'t here," answered by one of the department\'s two faculty members who were assigned to guide the prince.

Wulfric clicked his tongue when he heard that.  "Don\'t wait for them.  They\'re already out as of this moment."

"B-But your highness, isn\'t that a bit too strict?" said the other faculty member. 

He understood that when the prince said \'out\', he meant that they would no longer be part of the official batch of freshmen this school year.  All the students here fought hard just to receive an acceptance letter.  Some of them didn\'t even know that they weren\'t official students yet.

He wanted to say more but his words were caught in his throat when he saw the prince looking coldly at him.

"I clearly said earlier that they should be here by 20 minutes and it\'s already passed that.  If this was an emergency situation and they disregard the order of their superior, a lot of casualties could happen.  And I don\'t tolerate that in my army," Wulfric said in a cold tone.  "So, from this moment, entry to this training facility is prohibited until I allow it otherwise.  Do you understand?"

"Y-yes, your highness," the faculty member said in a quaking voice, he truly felt that his heart would burst with just that one glance.  He had forgotten how truly fearsome this prince was.  If he argued more with him, he might just end up not having all his limbs intact.

The other faculty member was quicker to adapt.  He didn\'t question the prince\'s intention and just followed what the prince wanted to do.  Like closing the door of the training facility for example.

Of course, everyone heard what the prince said.  Being able to come this far meant that most had pretty good physique and thus had good hearing.  Some who didn\'t know that this week-long training was another test to see if they\'re qualified to remain at the academy started to get the idea that that might be the case.     

But of course, there were those who were slow on the uptake and started to make a fuss.

"What does it mean that they\'re \'out\'?"

"Are they going to be expelled?"

"Expelled?  The school term hasn\'t even started yet.  Besides, can they really do this?"

"I honestly think it\'s too much."

There were a lot of buzzing around like that.  They might think that their voices were not that loud, but for someone with an SSS level physique, Wulfric could hear them all clearly.

He clapped his hands loud enough to get everyone\'s attention.  "Expelled?  Of course, they\'re not.  How could they be expelled when they\'re not official students of this academy yet?  Same goes for you lot.  All of you are still in what most called a \'probation period\'.  So, if you don\'t want to follow on the footsteps of those people who were just taken out of the probation period without even knowing why, then shut the f*ck up and stop your yapping."

That totally shut everyone up. 

"Finally, peace and quiet," Wulfric said.  "As I\'ve said, you\'re all in the probation period.  Your performance will be evaluated after this week-long training.  Only the best of the best would remain.  So, I suggest you lot do your best to show me and the other trainers that you deserved to be here.  Or else, you\'ll definitely be out."

No one dared to argue, afraid that they would incur the wrath of this general and just like those people who didn\'t come here in time, they would also be \'out\'.

Reas stared at the prince who seemed to be having fun with this situation.  He suddenly remembered the first time he met this guy.  He was a total ass – arrogant and so full of himself.  Reas almost forgot that because of how he acted when they met again, or rather, how the other acted around Astrid. 

The prince back then was, well, normal.  Which was cringy because it didn\'t suit him.  Seeing him again with an attitude that was more like him, it just further proved how differently he treated Astrid. 

This guy, as he thought, he must really like his brother. – Reas thought.  This was the reason why he just couldn\'t possibly bring himself to like this guy. 

He shook is head.  This was really not the time for him to be thinking that.  He should concentrate on what\'s happening here.  If he seemed like he was distracted, that prince might just use that excuse to take him \'out\'.  Although he did think that the other couldn\'t possibly be that petty.  But just in case.  It never hurt to be more careful. 

Wulfric turned to one of the faculty members, the one who didn\'t question his decision earlier about the late students.  "You, explain to these brats the rules."

"Yes, your highness," the other readily said before turning to the students.  "For this training period, you will all be given an initial 100 points.  For every mistake you made in this duration, points will be deducted from that 100 initial points.  The number to be deducted will depend on serious your mistake is.  It could be as low as 1 point or as big as 50 points. 

"The mistakes I\'m talking about here are not only those that you would commit during training but also outside of it.  Of course, if you do good, you would be rewarded appropriately.  This \'reward and punishment\' method would not only be based on your performance during training but also your attitude outside of it.

"The one who would be evaluating you are the people from Fenris Squad who will come here as trainers.  Of course, His Highness is one of them.  At the end of the training period, your final points will be posted on a leaderboard.  Only those with 90 points and higher will remain and continue on as a student.  The top three scorer will also get rewards befitting of their rank.

"So, we all hope that everyone here will strive to do their best to get the result that you wouldn\'t regret."

After the faculty member explained that, almost everyone couldn\'t react immediately.  Then, after digesting all the information, everyone started to state their opinion all at the same time.

"90 points?  Isn\'t that too high?  What if only a handful of us have those points when this training ends?"

"That\'s right!  This is too unfair!"

"Sir, I think it\'s reasonable to lower the passing points.  Everyone here also agrees, right?"

"Yada, yada, yada, how come this batch is full of whiners?" Wulfric suddenly interjected, shutting up everyone who was complaining just now.  "If you think that 90 points is too high, then you\'re just a spineless bastard who doesn\'t have any confidence in their skill.  Do us all a favor and just leave now..  That way, I wouldn\'t have to waste time training you useless pieces of shit."

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