Rise of the Cosmic_Emperor

Chapter 501 - A Camp Of Sorts.

With the end of his record-breaking Orgy, Hal retreated into his Harem space where he sat cross-legged and began to refine all the combined essence he had farmed all through the session.

What he had been attempting over the course of two months through his frequent visits into his Harem space (To cross over the gorge that was the large energy requirement needed to advance to the cosmic Aurora realm) with little to no success had been easily achieved during this orgy of his.

There was now more than enough energy for him to cross the gorge and begin the process of turning his Cosmic Phenomenon into a Cosmic Aurora. Which was an all-important process if he wanted to advance.

Soon, he completed the process, and with a small satisfying explosive boom to announce his completion, he advanced to the Cosmic Aurora realm, but his advancement did not stop there and by the time he completely refined every essence he had farmed, Hal was at the Mid-stage of the Cosmic Aurora realm.

Needless to say, he was more than satisfied.

Now that he was at the Cosmic Aurora realm, he could now see the gorge between stages in the realm go past something that could be surpassed by an explosive burst of energy. Time was an important factor involved in advancement in this realm.

The longer one was in the realm, the more naturally their body absorbs Cosmic energy and the better they utilize it. This meant that not only was it going to take even more to advance in the Cosmic Aurora realm, it was also going to require Hal to wait long periods between advancement.

Anyway, Hal was not disheartened at the thought of the difficulty. He had broken the system so many times already (He was just twenty years old at the Cosmic Aurora Realm) and would break it once again.

As for the advantages to this realm, it stood to reason that now that he had secured advancement, his essence was all the more beneficial to his ladies that were not yet at the realm, and with constant copulation with them, he would have them getting higher in no time.

Which was his sales pitch to the ladies in the Harem space when they asked why they had not been involved in the marathon two hundred day orgy.

Of course, they were quick to tell him, it was the experience they actually wanted and not the opportunity for advancement.

There were downsides to his Orgy session of course. One of them was that he kinda got all his first-time-having-sex advantages with all those ladies all at once which meant that conducting such a large scale Orgy would not grant him the same advantages and significant boost.

At least not with the same time constraint.

In other news, Sassy was at the moment in a corner in his room, wrapped in an Emerald cocoon as her body underwent the transformation from beast body to human.

Hal had been surprised with the cocoon. Thinking the process should have simply been instantaneous with a lot of bright shining lights which even he admitted would only be good for adding a theatrical flair to the transformation scene.

Later on, when Hal faced all the ladies in the Harem space, he had an idea which saw to him taking them out of it and into the Silver moon sect territory where he told them to feel at home.

While taking them around with him, always at his beck and call for intercourse was great, he felt he needed a break from their company, just as much as they needed a break from him.

It would be best that they live in the Silver moon sect for a while. Mingle with other empowered females and not be stuck in the Harem space all their life.

Going into the space to relax and copulate was fun and all but he just felt it should not become a permanent living situation.

After all, if his two months of constant visits with no results had proven anything, it was that keeping them at a close distance was not going to be forever advantageous.

\'Even if you had not been able to advance, you still always added more trickles to your progress. Not having them in the Harem space for frequent visitation could put a stop to that\' Grimoire said and Hal shrugged.

\'I\'ll take that chance\' he said.

He had a large sect, one that could very easily hold two thousand women thanks to its large and imposing structure, at his beck and call. He saw no reason not to take advantage of that.

The Silver moon sect was no longer just an all-female sect, it was now a camp of sorts for members of his legion.

Of course, while Hal brought out all the ladies in his Harem space, it was not all of them who would be staying behind in the Silver moon sect. Rita, Marla, Karmen, Olivia, and Lillian would still be coming with him.


In the case of Rita, Marla, and Karmen, this was a clear act of favoritism but none of the ladies had anything to say against Hal. 

If anything, it just motivated them all to be better. To show their own special something and prove to the only man who mattered that they were to be favored above all others as well.


Every member of the Silver moon sect once awake was now busy refining the essence they had gotten from Hal with the Cultivation techniques they had gotten from Hal. That included Leona and Corrina.

Being at the Cosmic saint Realm, Makena had helped Hal more than he had helped her in regards to cultivation so she was long done refining the essence he left within her.

Of course, according to Makena, it was only in terms of cultivation that Hal had not helped her all that much. In regards to everything else, the advantages of sleeping with him were immense in value to her.

The pleasure she had felt from being with him and the contradicting feeling of satisfaction and never-ending hunger for his touch were things no one could possibly put a price on.

As she leaned back against him on her bed while he fondled her ample breasts through her flimsy nightgown, she knew how special Hal and his whole person was.

He was the most important thing to her.

Not even her sect could compare in importance.

"Mmnghhh" she moaned into his touch with an aroused smile while Hal chuckled as he continued his fond fondling.

And then he asked, 

"How close of a relationship do you have with the Emperor?"

Makena sighed, 

"Fairly close, I\'d say. I\'ve met him a few times. Most of those times, it was him coming to visit the sect personally. He has valued the sect since he has been Emperor and long before I became sect head so his relationship is not exactly with me but with the Sect itself."

Hal nodded to her words, 

"And you have made helpful predictions for him?" He asked.

"Of course. I have seen many things that were of importance to the well-being of the Continent. My visions are usually vague but they have been helpful nonetheless" Makena said.

Hal frowned lightly, 

"But the Continent has not yet been able to defeat Dystopia" he said.

Makena took a deep breath but did not look or sound as though this was a sore subject for her as she said, 

"It will take much more than soothsaying to defeat that monster continent. While my sights have never actually penetrated the Continent, it doesn\'t mean I don\'t know of the Dystopian powerhouses.

And they are indeed powerful"

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