My Evil System

Chapter 124 . . . Let’s Bargain

I hadn\'t had a wink of sleep thinking about this Academy, but no idea came to mind as to how to resolve my problems. I was still in the same position, with the same problem.

<What are Host problems? You have the highest ATP out of all the students here>

That\'s the problem. I lamented. My other self tweak my ATP too much that it would be suspicious if I suddenly killed a beast alone.

Not to mention that my other self made enemies against players that he shouldn\'t have.

Was it a sin to share a meal with others? He could just order again!

He had more than a million gil, for heaven\'s sake!

<It\'s not about not sharing, Host. It was more about the effect of his action if he submitted to force and coercion. Let them have an inch, and they would take a mile. Once you give them food before you know it, they will take all your items next~>

<Just like what happened with Brago and . . . what\'s their name again?>

". . ."

I sighed over the ceiling and changed the topic when I couldn\'t think of a comeback.

The timer on our bracelet said that it was six in the morning, and the notification coming from it said that the class would start at eight.

I was surprised that this world had the same time as back on earth. There was no clock, though, so the time must be magic operated.

Class . . . huh . . .

I pressed the button and read the information in depth.

It said here that our first lecture here would start at eight and end at ten, covering the basic topic of the world of Nordland. The Three powerful kingdoms. The four families. Its politics and the Gods.

I thought it would be interesting to know more about this world and get to know other players as well. After all, knowledge was power.

I think I would go to this class, eat lunch in a hurry and go back into my room to avoid any contact with the others and thus avoid future problems.

I was the type of student that only went into school and then went straight at home after class. No social life to avoid drama and, eventually, problems brought about by parading my presence into the halls.

But since I didn\'t have any CR points for a proper meal, I thought of going into town and take my lunch in the restaurant. I like it that way too, so I could have some privacy that I didn\'t have in the cafeteria.

I didn\'t like it that I couldn\'t eat food properly because of the murdering and jealous stares directed my way just because I ordered meat.

"Morning, Cross."

My attention was flung to the other side of the bed, and I found that Thomas was already awake. He slept like a log the whole night but his eyes were red and sore.

I guessed he was really soo tired, crying the whole night about his problems until he eventually succumb to exhaustion.

Poor kid.

Maybe I should take him with me when I eat lunch later.

"Are you going to class?" Thomas asked, and like the situation started to sink in again, his face crumpled in dread.

My heart reached out to him. He was only a kid, but he had to live his days in fear in here.

"Yeah," I almost choked. "Y-you?"

I wonder if he also sensed my fear since his fear seemed to intensify, and he was already shaking in bed.

Thomas looked away and sadly smiled. "I . . . I think I wouldn\'t go . . ."

Just as he finished speaking, there was a loud bang at the door that made us flinch.

"Hey, Twerp! We know that you\'re in there!"

We heard a familiar sound from the outside, and if I was not mistaken, it was Edie\'s voice.

"You better not think of hiding in there. We know your room number," hollered Jo.

Despite the fear and worry for Thomas, I had to wonder where they could possibly learn about our room number.

"You can\'t escape us! Remember that!"

We heard their mocking laughter before it faded with the noises outside.

. . .

. . .

Heavy thick silence descended in the room.

I didn\'t know what to say. What should I do in this kind of situation?

"I think . . . I think we shouldn\'t be friends anymore, Cross."

My head flung at Thomas. He was no longer shaking, and there was a sad smile on his face while his tear-stained eyes had no light like he had accepted his fate.

"If you\'re seen with me, they might also turn on you."

He wiped his tears and beamed his brightest. "Don\'t worry. I can take care of myself. I\'m used to them anyway."

He then turned and covered himself with a blanket. His shoulders were shaking, and I knew that he was trying his best not to cry out loud.

Something broke inside of me when I heard his muffled cries. His repressed wails that he tried hard to conceal.

I have never felt this powerless in my whole life than right now.

What could I do? What should I do?

<Host, you\'re so stressed with problems that aren\'t problems to begin with. Your problems are so simple and easily resolved. You can ask the System, and the System will give you your heart\'s desire!>

My heart\'s desire is to get rid of you.


<But here. The System still gives you the immediate solution, Host>

<A New Main Quest appeared!>

D-don\'t tell me . . .

‖ E V I L  S Y S T E M

M A I N  Q U E S T ‖

❺ Kill those Bullies!

Edie, Ben, and Jo are causing you trouble? The solution is simple. Kill them, and they will never bother you again!

Edie is smug because of his brother\'s position at school and because of his ATP. Kill his brother as well for an added BONUS Evil Points!


● +100, 000 EXP

‖ E N D ‖

And you said that the Main Quest is Empty. How come it\'s already number five?!

But that was not the main issue here!

I knew that your solution was always killing everyone off.

<That\'s the only sure proof way of eliminating your problems and all your future problems to come>

Forget it! I screamed in my head.

<Then Host had to face those bullies for the rest of you stay here~>

". . ."

Not me . . . I looked over at Thomas.

<If Host is worried about that Kid, then you should just do the main quest>


There must be another solution that didn\'t involve killing.

<Like talking? Kekekeke. We know what it did with your talk with Brago and the others before>

". . ."

<Kekeke. Good luck, Host>

Shoo! Go away, you bad spirit!

I didn\'t want to entertain the System, but what could I do but indeed talk with Edie, Ben, and Jo to leave Thomas alone?

Maybe I could bribe them with gil until these seven days were over.

I felt a new hope rising in my heart. That\'s right. There\'s a solution to every problem that doesn\'t involve killing. If talking won\'t solve anything, then I was sure that bargaining would do the work.

All they wanted were CR points then I would trade them with gil to keep Thomas safe.

I stared over at the kid.

I didn\'t plan to tell him since I knew that he would go against the idea. And I didn\'t want him to feel indebted to me.

Watching Thomas curled on the bed while his shoulders were shaking hard . . . he seemed so small and frail, and he reminded me of my siblings.

Don\'t worry, Thomas. I might not protect you forever, but I will protect you here. I promised to myself.

A smile finally made its way into my face, and the big lump lodged in my throat dissolved when I found my solution.

Everything could be solved by money, whatever world we lived in.

With newfound vigor, I scrambled out of bed and went after Edie and his group.

It was still early in the morning, and so few players were scattering in the halls of the boy\'s dormitory.

I commended their discipline to wake up early just to bully others, if nothing else. Their dedication to their craft was commendable, at least.

I spotted them on the ground already, and I think they were coercing another player for CR points. They were like this gang who went through stores and collected protection taxes in their area.

<Of all the animals, man is the only one that is cruel. They are the only ones that inflict pain for the pleasure of doing it~>

And the goodness of peoples\' hearts was brought out because of that. I said to it in my brain. Evil exists because of good.

<Or, good exists because of Evil~>

( . . . continuation on NOTES)

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