Eighteen Again: The CEO's Wife was a Delinquent

Chapter 232 - It Only Gets Worse

Asher ignores what Irish is trying to get at with that comment of hers.

Keeping quiet, he regards her contemplatively instead. She looks drained and exhausted. Thoughtfully, he inquires, "If you two are here and so is your elder brother, is Charlie the only one left looking after your business?"

"Yeah. Not like we can let our other relatives take charge. Most of them were on Grandfather\'s side just some time ago. They might give more problems than help," Irish answered, properly acting like the eldest daughter for once. 

"How\'s the investigation going on?"

"Not sure. Good, I guess."

He narrows his eyes at her. That can\'t be right. She and the others always make it a point to know about everything and anything, especially when it comes to this particular matter. Her know-it-all nature should have known what the investigation is doing right now.

That\'s unless Irish keeping information from Asher. That would make more sense.

\'But why would she be keeping information from me?\' he mulled over as they continued on their way to Adrian\'s hospital room.

Next to him, Olivia stayed silent. She glanced at him through the corners of her eyes before whispering, "Sorry about Irish. She\'s being extra grumpy these days. I also didn\'t like leaving her alone with Adrian. She might put a damper on his health."

Asher tried to make sense of that.

If there\'s anyone who would put a damper on Adrian\'s health, it would be him. He\'d been so ready to punch a hole into the wall, and no one would\'ve blamed him if he did. Then again, the whole situation has only been getting worse. 

"And I\'m starting to worry if you can hold yourself back, too. I could barely keep Irish from bursting out. Please, understand. No one had wanted any of this. No one had wanted that to happen to Cassidy, especially Adrian..." Olivia begged pardon, too ashamed to look at Asher then. 

"Please, understand."

Now, it makes sense.

It seemed like Irish had also gone mad after hearing Cassidy\'s current circumstances. Perhaps, if he had seen her outburst with his own eyes, he would\'ve completely bought her act of redemption at last. 

They eventually reached Adrian\'s hospital room.

Asher feel chills running down his spines when he finds it so eerily quiet. It\'s almost like they\'re visiting a funeral instead of a patient. Irish notices his tense shoulders and sighs, "No need to worry. Adrian\'s alright. He\'s a tough guy."

She opens the door.

Right then, all three of them went still in surprise. They found Edward holding Adrian in his arms. He\'s curling up like a fragile baby bird into his broad chest. Asher tilts his head in confusion. He thinks he can see the remnants of tears on his face.

Edward greets them gruffly.

"Could you get me some coffee, Olivia?" he asked.

"I hope you can explain the situation first. But sure. I\'ll get some for you."

Olivia can see how fatigued Edward is. Sparing him one last concerned glance, she then turns to the other two and says, "Now that I\'m apparently your waitress, would either of you like me to get a drink for you, too?"

"Please," Asher replied almost immediately.

His answer is followed by Irish\'s nod. Olivia smiles a little and pats her shoulder, reassuring her, before she finally takes her leave. 

"How is he?" Asher asked once the door closed behind them while Edward could not help but frown. 

"He\'s pretty banged up. Can\'t speak right now."

From between his arms, he can see Adrian nodding his head slightly in confirmation to his words. Edward continued, "Has there been any news on Cassidy, Irish?"

She breathed out shakily, and Asher noticed that she had actually caked her face with makeup to hide her eyebags. In a quiet voice, she then informed them, "Still nothing."

At their exchange, Asher\'s mood gets ten times worse. He doesn\'t need the reminder. Not only is Adrian on his deathbed, but Cassidy has also been missing since that night. 

The light in the room seems to vanish from him somehow, and he stands solemnly by the door, feeling much like his world is now bleak.

Empty. Deafening.

"Adrian," Edward called and nudged Adrian.

Asher is taken aback to hear a rough gentleness in his voice. He didn\'t know that those tones could coexist as perfectly as that. It must be a trait forged from years of brotherhood.

"Gilmore and the other doctors said you only got an hour. Go back to sleep. Stop haunting the living."

The last part is said as a sort of joke, mostly a jab, on Adrian\'s part. But no one is in the mood to be amused, much less laugh. He doesn\'t protest much to Edward\'s words, though.

At the moment, Adrian is hooked up to a bunch of machines, so he has to lay down carefully, keeping his arms and legs stiff in a certain way - he looks like a ghost shrinking back into his coffin.

"You\'re surprisingly very caring and good at tending patients," Asher commented, sounding a bit bitter.

"I may not show it often..." Edward said with a sort of a low growl, looking at him sharply.

"But I care about you guys. Right now, Cassidy joined Damien in the missing list. If it makes me want to Hulk Smash the entire continent just to find them, how do you think Adrian would be holding up to the news? He looks like he\'d snap into two if I touched him. So, he doesn\'t need anyone to yell at him right now."

Irish seems to soften greatly at her elder brother\'s words. She strides over to embrace him appreciatively, somewhat needing the comfort as well. 

"I\'ve hugged too many kids today, Irish. Y\'all gotta stop turning me into a teddy bear," Edward said, but he patted her back all the same.

Watching the interaction, Asher slowly realizes that parenthood is one of the most influential roles in the world – if not the most influential. As he watches how the eldest son takes on that role for his siblings apart from looking after his own children, his heart warms up. These Millicent\'s are not really as bad as he thought they were. He commends him, and he himself wishes he can be a parent like that someday. 

But that\'s a pipe dream.

\'Who am I to wish for parenthood when I\'m responsible for the deaths of the people I care for?\'

He chances one final look at Adrian – at his pale, weak form. Then, he pivots on his heel and walks out the door.

Neither Irish nor Edward attempted to call Asher back.

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