The Legacy System

Chapter 19 - 19: Partners In Crime

Eric:" Then why do you treat me like one still?"

He could see that she didn\'t understand what he meant and continued, ​​

Eric:" I know everything that Tina knows, and maybe more. About your work, your network, and your boss!"

Pausing for some time so that she could process his words, he then continued,

Eric:" While I might know about those things, I don\'t have the power to confront him or his lackeys.

Since you know her better than me, then you should know that she wouldn\'t just accept her new role, without doing some stupid tries.

That\'s where you enter Miss Akira, I want you to help me deal with her tricks and tries to escape my hands.

Do you understand what I mean?"

Of course that Miss Akira understood now, she just never thought of the possibility that he knew about what she and the other women were doing.

With this, she finally could understand his purpose in making a deal with her was. But this didn\'t mean that she would accept so easily.

Not without knowing what was in it for her. That\'s why she looked towards him with an undecided look and said,

Miss Akira:" I understand what you mean, but why should I help you? Wouldn\'t it be better if I just let her make her way out of your hands, and then deal with her myself?"

Eric expected such a thing, he knew that this b*tch wouldn\'t just help him without asking for anything. So smiling at her with a calm smile, he just said calmly,

Eric:" You keep treating me like an idiot Miss Akira.

Do you think that what you have in your hands is the only thing I have!? That wouldn\'t be enough for her to obey me like that, don\'t you think?

Furthermore, if you don\'t help me then you will lose this opportunity, but at the same time don\'t you think that she would use this case to work against you?

While you might hate her to the bones, she feels the same for you, so she would gladly use everything she could to have you in her hands.

Not to mention that, while her tricks might make me work a sweat without your help, she won\'t be able to get rid of me."

Giving her some time to process his words, he continued,

Eric:" Don\'t mistake something here Miss Akira, while I may be the one to come to you. I am offering you an opportunity here, not begging for your help."

While she was thinking about his words, Miss Akira knew that she might have shot herself in the foot.

He was right! If Tina found a way to escape his grasp, she would surely burn her too. Not to mention that she could only have Tina in her hands later if she had this video, and what else Eric had in hand.

So while she was trying to get something out of this deal, she actually placed herself in the worst position possible.

On the other hand, Eric didn\'t seem to care much about her decision and was just calmly running his eyes through her body.

She was really hot, every man would surely get on fire while looking at her body and curves. While Eric could hide his fire better, it didn\'t mean that he wasn\'t on fire.

Seeing his look over her body Miss Akira was distracted for a moment, but then she pushed her chest forwards, opened her legs a bit, and just let him look as much as he wanted.

Like she didn\'t care in the least what he did.

Of course, Eric wouldn\'t refuse such an offer and continued to look at her, but without showing eagerness or too much lust.

He was looking at her body as if he was appreciating a work of art, and not the body of a woman by his side.

Seeing that her move didn\'t work as she expected, Miss Akira felt a bit bitter, and decided to see how much he could resist, and said in a teasing voice,

Miss Akira:" You know, if you want, you can just come and enjoy yourself, not just look like that."

Eric wasn\'t surprised by her words, he knew from the beginning that she would use this card, after all, it was the strongest card a woman had against a man.

There were few people who could resist such an offer. But now wasn\'t the right time for him to do such a thing, even if she wanted to do.

His stamina was really weak, and he would probably just end up getting embarrassed in front of her, and he couldn\'t allow such a thing to happen right now.

He had to be the lead in their relationship, morally and mentally. With that thought in mind, he said,

Eric:" Even though I would want nothing more than to do that, I can\'t Miss Akira. I have other things to deal with, so if you just give me an answer, we could both continue with our day."

Miss Akira felt really bitter at that moment.

This guy!

This guy was refusing her for the second time in a row. What was the deal with him? Wasn\'t she good enough for her? Or perhaps he was gay?

But all this time he had looked at her with the eye of a predator playing with his prey. She was so confused right now and didn\'t know what to think anymore.

Looking at her expression, Eric was a bit ticked off, what the hell was this woman even thinking. Why did she look towards him with that weird look?

Knowing that it was nothing good, he said with a dominating voice,

Eric:" Stop thinking about stupid things Miss Akira, and give me an answer. My schedule is tight!"

Miss Akira was startled awake from her reverie, and said in a flow, without even thinking,

Miss Akira:" What is there to answer, it\'s not like I have any other choice."

Hearing her answer, Eric was clearly satisfied and said,

Eric:" Well then since it\'s like that, then I hope we have a long and beautiful collaboration, Miss Akira.

Actually, Miss Akira seems so formal, why don\'t I call you Akira from this moment on!? Or do you prefer Aki!?"

Akira was still chiding herself for answering like that without thinking, but then she was stunned hearing his comments on her name.

Not that she didn\'t think the same, but this guy\'s attitude changed 180 degrees in 2 seconds. It was truly mind-blowing. She had to be careful around him.

Thinking like this she just said with a wondering voice,

Akira:" Akira is fine! I don\'t really like Aki that was the name my ex-husband used to call me."

Eric didn\'t care much about it, for him, it was the same thing no matter what her name would be. But now that she had agreed to be his partner in crime, he had to start putting his thoughts to action.

That was why he said with a calm tone,

Eric:" Well then Akira it is.

Now Akira, call Miss Takase here and tell her you to have something important to talk with her."

Akira was surprised at his words, she didn\'t understand what he was thinking, that woman and Tina were best friends, she would never betray Tina.

With these thoughts in mind, she said,

Akira:" You don\'t think you can make her part of our team, do you?

She would never betray Tina, I have tried all I could and was never able to do it."

Looking at her with a mocking look, Eric said totally calm,

Eric:" What if I can, and what if I can\'t!?

Don\'t tell me you are getting jealous Akira? It\'s too early for that!"

Akira couldn\'t understand at all what kind of person Eric was. A moment he was serious, then the other moment he would act like a scoundrel, and then again serious and calm.

He was really unpredictable. She still had her reservations and guard against him. Getting up from her couch she was seated on, she made for her phone while saying,

Akira:" Hmph! As if!

But I would love to see what you plan to do next."

Hearing her challenge, Eric didn\'t seem to mind much, and just answered calmly,

Eric:" Oh I won\'t be doing anything. The one who will do it will be you!"

Akira was just about to press the call button when she heard Eric\'s voice, raising her head without pressing the call button she asked,

Akira:" What do you mean by that!? What am I going to do?"

As if he expected this question, Eric said,

Eric:" You will be telling her that Tina is making her son, her client. And that he has started to deal with shady things once again."

At this moment Akira was about to interrupt him, but he continued with a dominating voice,

Eric:" Of course she won\'t believe you at first!

But then you will also tell her that you will provide her proof, in less than a week.

As for where to find that proof, well that would be in my hand. Now go on and call her!"

Hearing Tianlong Yun\'s idea for a moment Akira thought that this might work, but she still had her doubts.

She didn\'t lose anything by complying with that idea anyway, so she just went and made the phone call.

Seeing Akira make the phone call, Eric got up from his seat, and while walking to the door he said,

Eric:" Well then, I need to go since I have some other things I need to take care of. See you later Akira!"

Akira was about to ask him about the other things he had to take care of, but she couldn\'t because at that moment the phone call connected, and from the other side was heard a sweet voice,

Miss Takase:" Yes, tell me, Miss Akira."

And she couldn\'t leave that call that was why Eric was able to escape her grasp like that. Meanwhile...


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