Ascension of the Nephilim

Chapter 649 Star Fall

Chapter 649 Star Fall

The attack of Jezael was also so strong, and he poured out all his attacks and instantly created a large clearing as the buildings were all blown away.

Emeros was impressed as the great attack could barely penetrate through the ground.

"The Floating Continents sure have some decent soil. I\'m guessing the ground in the Continents Above the Sky would be superior and even equal to the ones in the Planesworld... Welp, better get back and prepare my excuse..." Emeros disappeared using the same movement technique as the Crow and leaped out of the darkness.

Rupert was left in shock as he saw the attack. One of the greatest secrets that they had was revealed.

Jezael had an identity that removed all suspicion of his real family when he moved to the Floating Continents. He had a fake family, a fake intricate background, and an elaborate and unending string of events and evidence about his identity that would have made those on the Continents Above fail to figure out the truth.

But the single attack that Jezael made in his anger was now the undoing of all his family\'s plans.

The dust and smoke that was kicked up began to fade, and the remains of Valler could not be found as it was crushed to pieces and smashed to pulps beyond any recognition.

Jezael kept panting, and only a few seconds later, he realized what had happened.

"Prince Magnus..." Alistair began.

"No. Why should I call you Magnus after all that has been done!? Prince Rupert! Answer me!? What was the meaning of that?! And who is this man that has violated the laws of the land?! And who was that other man! If not for the aid of that family... which will possibly make me their puppet, my ally, Emeros, would have been dead! What is the meaning of this?! What explanation do you have for all the accusations! Commanders! Broadcast all you\'ve heard to all Floating Continents!" Alistair ordered.

"The broadcast has already been sent, my Prince. By now, all those nations should be watching the news." The Commander smiled.

Rupert trembled as he heard this.

"Can you not see that this was but a plot?! Lies and insane declarations have been made! Alistair! You have dared to"

"Me?! An assassin with the might of a Cardinal was here! And you have a follower! The Crow family sure is strong! And you surely have a backing! What are their plans for this kingdom!? What was that shocking secret that he spoke of?!"

"All of those are lies! None are true!"

"Then who is that-!"


With a flap of a wing, a dark wind shot towards the ship.

A bright flash appeared and blocked the incoming attacks of the dark phoenix.

The entire ship trembled and began to quake as the energy that protected it disappeared. The ship began to explode on various sides as the energies blew one after the other.

But even with the damage, Jezael was surprised that the ship managed to withstand the attack and protect Alistair! The power it displayed earlier was not yet its full might, and Jezael thought it would have ended Alistair!

"You...! You tried to kill me!" Alistair shouted.

"You dare humiliate me!" Jezael roared angrily as he gathered his energy. He was not acting in blind rage anymore but was now thinking. The best action to take, based on the chaos and revelation of his family, was the immediate assassination of Alistair. He had the connections, the ties, and the authority and may as well know more about the secrets of the Crow family. While kidnapping him was the better solution, Jezael knew that the other powers in the Continents Above would take Alistair away!

Jezael gathered more energy as Alistair and the rest were all fleeing. The ship could no longer protect them!


A massive beam shot from the sky and exploded right in front of the ship.

"What?! How?!"

Jezael cursed as he was surprised that the family was acting so fast and deployed the Beam Transporter.

Several people appeared. Three men, each wearing a Golden Shield, appeared.

The three wore a star emblem with a weapon next to it. This indicated the might and power that they had. While the Floating Continents followed a similar format, the Star that these men wore indicated a massively vast level compared to those of this place.

"Star Knights...." Jezael cursed. He was a Cardinal, but against a Star Knight, he would surely die! Jezael was not a Star Warrior or even a Star Mage of Combat!

It was the worst family to appear. One of the largest enemies of the Crow! It was the Prostasyon family!

Alistair saw the men and recognized them through Valler\'s memories. But he kept silent.

"Emeros..." He spoke out as he saw the family and then realized that he had to play out his part.

"Wait! Emeros! Is Emeros alive?!" Alistair shouted to the three.

"...Who?" One answered.

"Were you the ones who protected him?! Where is he?!"

"...What are you rambling about? Don\'t accuse me of taking part in this. We are the Prostasyon family. And we are here because a bad crow is doing stupid things!" The tallest of the three answered.

But at that moment, numerous beams began to fall from the sky.

Some came from rays that shot straight down as if it was directly above them.

Others appeared to have shot down from a far-off distance to the North and East, and the source of these lights could not even be seen on the horizon.

Many lights appeared, and various teams of men and women stood at each side.

All of them had various unique emblems of their family, but all wore a Star Symbol.

These were peak fighters of their respective family.

As the lights gathered, an old man sat on a hovering chair.

"It seems my sons have pushed this kingdom to this scale." The old man chuckled.

"You seemed... happy, oh King? Our kingdom is in grave danger. Never before have the stars fallen down like this."

"I have lived my life and protected the kingdom. Why should I care if my sons and daughters chose to war and drag the kingdom to such suffering over this throne? My time has ended. I have done my part, and though I called for unity, my stupid sons and daughters sought power from above..." The King smiled as he watched the many people who could quickly destroy the kingdom appear one after the other.

"You believe that plot created by those Above?"

lightsΝοvel "My king. You still have responsibilities to fulfill."

"I know... Let\'s get this over with. Call the Pedagogs. All of them. And someone investigated what happened to that new teacher, Emeros.

Meanwhile, Emeros had arrived again in the alchemy room and had already started his cleanup of any evidence.

All that was left was to impress his visitors.

And so, Emeros began to lay out unfinished spells and damaged Energy Conversion circles.

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