Beast Evolution

Chapter 238 238 War Against The Knights 6

"You can\'t scare me, you have nothing to do and you can\'t escape this trap, I saw you use teleportation but both of your hands are struck so it\'s impossible," the mage said.

"I don\'t need my hands for teleportation, I just need my brain" Ray muttered.

"What are you saying, die you foul beast..." the mage shouted and dashed towards Ray.

The mage was confident in his spell enough to charge toward Ray to cut him with a dagger, the mage knew Ray stood no chance of escaping from his spell.

[Mud trap] Turns a particular spot in the ground into sticky mud, drawing your opponent deeper as they struggle.

[Reverse Ownership]

Ray deliberately let the mage close in on him before teleporting to his spear, the mage swung the dagger but nothing was cut.

"Sorry but I don\'t have time to waste on you, so you have to die" Ray spoke, he was slightly far from the mage.

"What!! How?" the mage quickly moved backward and kept his dagger back.

"Teleportation... it\'s really nice" Ray smiled, he was enjoying the battle.

"You should have killed me when you had the chance" the mage muttered and placed his hands on the ground but nothing happened, the mage looked at his hands and a black rope was stopping both of them from touching the ground.

[Dark Bind]

More ropes sprouted and caught the mage in place, Ray noticed when the mage was pooling his Mana towards his hands meaning he was going to cast a powerful spell that required a large amount of Mana.

Unlike his first spell Ray could sense his Mana, Ray quickly cast his own spell before the mage could use whatever spell he was conjuring.

"Dark magic...what are you?" the mage spat as he struggled to break free from Ray\'s spell.

\'I almost forgot, I can question him\' Ray said inwardly.

\'Are you sure he\'s going to answer your questions, you don\'t look scary, not even a bit\' Kaan replied.

\'Then I\'m going to torture him till he talks, that\'s the best way to make someone talk\' Ray said and walked towards the mage still struggling.

\'Can you torture him, have you ever tortured someone before?\'

\'No I haven\'t, but I know some ways of making a person talk\'

"Why are you attacking Avalon?" Ray asked the mage angrily.

" think I would tell you a thing, you are going to be killed for sure, just keep going forward" the mage spoke.

"Why do you think I would be killed, I can clearly handle any person at your level, you aren\'t even a challenge," Ray said.

"I agree, but you are going to die inevitably, you can\'t stand a chance against the boss, you can\'t even lay a finger on him," the mage said, still struggling to break free.

Unlike knights, mages rarely train their physical strength so the mage at his level wouldn\'t be able to break Ray\'s [Dark bind] unless he uses a spell.

"Boss...are you talking about Draco?" Ray asked.

"Who is that?"

\'He has no idea who Draco is, they are just pawns, they don\'t even know his name\' Ray said inwardly.

"So back to my question, why are you attacking Avalon? And take note I can tell if you are lying" Ray asked again maintaining a poker face.

He was glad he was in his beast form or else the man would have seen him as a kid but in his beast form he would look a little scary, he didn\'t want to torture the mage for information and his last statement was a lie.

"Before I answer your question, I have a question, why are you protecting Avalon, you are a beast supposed to be against humans" the mage shouted.

"I\'m actually not a beast though I can\'t explain but I don\'t want to torture you for information, just tell me what I need and I\'ll leave you alone, you aren\'t who I\'m looking for," Ray said.

\'Hey, why are you telling him you are human when you\'re not going to kill him, what if he takes your information back\' Kaan spoke.

\'Take my information back, to where, I\'m going to kill Draco today and end all this, besides I don\'t plan to let him go, if this was the other way round he wouldn\'t think twice before killing me\' Ray replied.

\'So you are going to kill him, hmmm...I like this side of you, when you are done with the questions I have something to tell you\'

"You are not a beast, then you are a human using a transformation spell,"

"I don\'t think you understand your situation, you don\'t get to ask questions, I ask the question, this is your last chance if you want to leave with your body part intact," Ray said and the mage gasped.

\'What am I going to tell him, I don\'t think he knows anything about us, I\'m going to make up a bunch of fake stories\' the mage said inwardly.

"I\'m very sorry, but I really don\'t know much about why we are doing this, we are just a group of ordinary bandits when we were hired, we didn\'t expect that we are going to be attacking a city," the mage said.

"A group of bandits, why would Draco need a group of bandits, last time he and his group were enough to attack Avalon and escape, why would they hire weak people like this," Ray said as he prance around the mage.

​ "I really don\'t know but we already used the money so we had no choice" the mage continued.

\'Kaan I\'m done, he\'s definitely lying, what did you want to tell me\'

\'It\'s about my demon powers, [full awakening]\'

\'Okay, but I\'m not drinking human blood, that\'s impossible, I\'m not a vampire\'

\'There are two ways to activate my power, but both of them require blood, the fastest way is by drinking the blood yourself but there is another way\'

\'Really...why didn\'t you tell me, you wanted me to drink human blood\'

\'I wanted to see if you would, but it turns out you are not that hungry for power, most humans would have seized the opportunity to gain power but you are different, I don\'t know why though\'

\'But as I was saying, there are two ways, the second way is by using the spear to drain blood from humans, but I didn\'t want to tell you because the human you use this technique on would definitely die\'

\'But I would be able to use your power, then it\'s perfect, I can drain blood from enemies like this guy right here\' Ray quickly said.

\'Good...but it\'s harder because it takes about 10 humans to get the blood you require by draining but if you drink the blood directly you need only 1 human\'

\'10 humans, how am I going to capture 10 enemies and drain their blood, wait you told me to bring my friends because you need blood, so you wanted me to kill them?\' Ray asked.

\'No, you can drink blood without killing the human but you would need more humans for that, but you can\'t drain blood without killing them\'

\'Ohh, I see just like a typical vampire, you need to know when to stop, so how do I drain blood\'

\'Just stick the spear in, that\'s all and wait till the human is lifeless, it takes a few minutes\' Kaan said and Ray nodded.

\'What is he doing, he has been staring forward without saying anything, what is he thinking about, why is he nodding his head\'

"Okay...I\'m very sorry but you would need to die" Ray spoke.

"Huh! but you said you would let me go, I told you everything I know" the mage was now shivering.

"I know you did, the only problem is that, what you said is probably a lie, why would an ordinary group of bandits be hired when he has a group of beasts, Draco wouldn\'t hire you guys for no reason," Ray said.

"Okay, okay I\'ll tell you the truth, but don\'t kill me, I have two kids at home waiting for me"

"R-Really...but now you were off to the city to kill people, those people you were going to kill also have families" Ray shouted and plunged his spear into the stomach of the mage.

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