Beast Evolution

Chapter 65 65 (Bonus ) Training Sofia

Bonus chapter

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"So when are we going to start training?"

"In two days time" Ivan answered.

"That\'s a long time, at least we can do something good before the training starts" Ray said.

"We should train Sofia..." Leia said making everyone to look at her including Sofia.

"Why are you all staring at me like that, at least she should train before she apply for change of class" Leia said.

"You are right, you have to show them that you are good at using a bow" Ivan said.

"Where would we find a bow" Ray said.

"We can buy one" Sofia said.

"Buy, do you know how much they cost?" Ivan said.

"Don\'t worry about their cost, I\'m from a noble home remember, we have money" Sofia said making all of them to smile.

"Why are you guys smiling?"

"Can we go shopping a little while we look for a bow" Ivan said with puppy eyes.

"Sure, but will you really teach me how to use a bow?"

"I am good at using a bow, but am better at using swords so don\'t worry I will teach you" Leia said.

"Okay thanks, should we leave now" Sofia said.

"Hey Ray what are you good at using?" Ivan asked him.

"I\'m good at using my blood spear" Ray said quickly.

"Good at using your blood spear, I don\'t understand, you have a special weapon?"

"Yes I do, they are just regular spear, I named them blood spear haha" Ray quickly lied to cover up.

"Ohh I see, I\'m not that good but I can use a sword" Ivan said.


The street was filled with people going up and down about their daily life. The group walked until they arrived at a weapon shop.

"We should check here first" Ivan said and the group entered the weapon shop.

The first thing that caught Ray\'s eyes was a silver sword that was display in the shop, Ray left the group to look at the sword.

The rest of the group approached the weapon seller, the weapon seller was a fat short man with large beards.

"We are looking for a bow" Leia took the lead.

"What type of bow" the man said

"We are looking for an ordinary bow" Leia said.

"How much for this beauty?" Ray asked the seller with sparkling eyes.

"That is 1 gold coin" the seller said making Ray to shout.

"Why are you shouting, don\'t you know that it would be expensive" Ivan said to him.

"How would I know am I the seller" Ray said.

"By looking at it you are supposed to know it\'s not in your power to buy that kind of sword" Ivan said to him.

"Because it\'s shiny, don\'t underestimate me, I\'m an adventurer" Ray said.

"Really, what rank?" Ivan asked.

"I\'m an E rank adventurer" Ray boldly said making everyone in the shop to laugh.

"Can you show us the bows available" Leia said not minding the commotion Ray and Ivan were causing.

"Yes sure" the seller said and directed Leia towards the bow section, Ivan and Ray also followed suit.

"Here is an ordinary bow" the seller said passing a wooden bow to Leia.

Leia examine the bow and asked for another one, she tested both of them, without arrows of course then she chose the first one.

"We\'ll take this one" Leia said.

"Do you know much about bows?" Ivan asked, he was always a talkative and never failed to show it.

"My dad deals with wood" Leia said.

"Ohh, we now know a little about you" Ray said.

"How much is this one" Sofia said.

"That is..." the seller looked up and was counting numbers before answering them.

"We will pay 30 bronze coins" Leia said before the seller could come up with a figure.

"Okay" the seller agreed with her and Sofia removed a silver coin from her purse and handed it over to the seller.

"How many of those do you have?" Ivan asked curiously.

"That\'s my last silver coin" Sofia said making all of them to look at her with their eyes widened.

"Your last one... I thought you said we will go shopping after buying a bow, I was looking forward to buying some clothes" Ivan said sadly.

"We will, I still have at least three gold coin" Sofia said.

"Three what... gold coin" Ivan jaw dropped as he heard that.

"Your family is really doing well" Leia said as she collected the change from the seller and gave it back to Sofia.

The group exited the shop and stood outside for a few minutes.

"So where should we go to next, a bar, a jewelry store, an armor store, a potion store, or where" Ivan was very excited.

"we should go back quickly so we can train Sofia" Leia said.

"You girls can go back and start your training, we are going to have fun" Ivan said.

"Yea" Ray nodded his head.

"Okay we are going back" Leia said to Sofia and they both turn to leave.

"What, where are you going" Ivan said.

"I thought you said we should go back, we are going back" Leia said and Sofia laughed.

"But you didn\'t give us any money, and we don\'t have any" Ivan said.

"Are we your parents" Leia said and Ray burst into laughter.

"Hey Ray, I\'m fighting for both of us and you are laughing" Ivan said.

"Sorry I couldn\'t help it" Ray said.




Author\'s note

Hey guys, I don\'t really know if you are enjoying the book or not, please drop a comment so I can know how you feel about it.

If there are improvements to be made or they are mistakes to be corrected, let me know so I can be able to correct them and make the book interesting to the best of my ability.

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